Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So, about Aprils Fools Day

There was one more pupil in school on Friday Morning, yes, I borrowed a dress, put on my school shoes and went to class.

The look on some of the teachers faces just about made my week!
The head of high school managed to make a show of me in assembly, good sport that he is :o)
Points for originality I think.


grandad hojo said...

Good one !

The HoJo's said...

Tee hee Missy organised it all and then told me she had permission! who could say no to that?

Libby said...

I'm somewhat JEALOUS! I would have loved someone doing that while I was at school :)

The HoJo's said...

Thank you L, you have no idea how much you have touched us this last few months

huge love
