Monday, February 2, 2009

Bigger Stingers

Wednesday 14th January 2009
Not much to say today really, it’s not getting any busier at work, but on the bright side it’s not getting any quieter.
Carolyn came into work in the afternoon and helped clear up, so we were able to finish up nice and early.
We went to the beach down the road from us after work, we didn’t stay down there too long because there were loads of stingers, but we did stay long enough to cool down. The stingers this year are a lot larger, as in, they have longer trailer/stingy bits, than they were last year.


Ganeida said...

Grinning. Liddy went surfing with bluebottles & we had to apply vinegar after. We don't get these choice pets where we live though Lid has been told. What was the girl thinking? That they'd leave her alone if she asked nicely? Huge welts she got.

The HoJo's said...

Tough cookie your Liddy, I would have run away, fast