Friday, November 21, 2008

Dodgy Chinese and Carolyn Mowed the Lawn

Sunday 9th November 2008
Up early again, to do the markets where we narrowly avoided buying a cute puppy (again) loads more stalls again this week. Off to surf school again where the children had to work hard. After the obligatory sizzle we went home and (kids) chilled indoors, Marisa did her best to lose her swim cap, Ian built a fair part of the new(ish) bbq. Carolyn planted cucumbers, melons and peppers, having done the usual trip to Bunnings. Late in the afternoon when it was a tad too cold we drove off to Meelup for a swim and relax in the sea, lovely. Afterwards we stopped for a Chinese in Dunsborough, the most expensive prawn crackers known to man and a distinctly average meal, shan’t bother again. Off home to put the kids to bed and time for Ian and Carolyn to watch The World is not Enough, a James Bond Ian claims not to have watched before.

Saturday 8th November 2008
It was a very quiet day in the Café today, Carolyn took advantage of this by taking the kids to Quindalup Flora and Fauna Park which is just down the road from us on the way to Dunsborough.
It is a very small park and appears to be run as a family concern, run by Mum, Dad and Son, they all loved it and had a great time.
They saw a Sheep with Five Legs, one was sticking out of its head, the kids assumed that it was born like that but Ian reckons it got in a bit of agro down the Hard Sheep Café one night and a Drunken Sheep with an artificial leg kicked him and in its drunkenness, staggered off without realising he had left it behind.
Sheep have a very short memory and bearing in mind that this one was also blotto at the time of said incident, every time this Sheep looks in the Mirror and asks itself how this fifth leg got there, it has forgotten what the question was before it can come up with an answer.
Meanwhile one Sheep owner is not very happy because one of his Sheep is always walking round Legless while the other owner of the Sheep is well impressed, not only is it a great attraction in the park, but when it finally decides to pop its clogs, he will have five leg joints to sell on, Bargain.
All waffle aside now, Carolyn and the kids had a great time, they cuddled Joeys (baby Kangaroos), got climbed on by Parrots and stroked Dingoes. Afterwards they had a Sausage Sizzle before going home, when they got home Carolyn Mowed the lawn, now she knows how hard it is to push the mower over our spongy thick grass.
She could have made it a bit easier for herself by emptying the box that catches all the cuttings, but that didn’t occur to her.
After Ian got home from work we went to Stilts, the background music was crap and the place had no atmosphere so we didn’t stay long and went home to watch a film with the kids.

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